Renewable Option

BEF Renewable Option for Business and Residential Utility Customers

Receiving the benefits of clean, zero-emissions wind energy is easy and affordable.

Our Green-e Energy Certified Renewable Option RECs represent renewable energy sources from Pacific Northwest projects where clean, zero-emissions wind energy has been delivered to the North American power grid to replace fossil fuel-based electricity.

Carbon Offsets for Business

Your Business

BEF’s Renewable Option RECs are priced at $1.50 per block (1 block is 100 kilowatt-hours). To determine how many blocks you need to purchase, divide your business' electricity usage (# of kilowatt-hours) by 100.

Carbon Offsets for Home

Your Home

BEF’s Renewable Option RECs are priced at $1.50 per block (1 block is 100 kilowatt-hours). The average household uses about 1,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month.